Tuesday, September 23, 2008

her story of war

a story lived, a story told,
never heard…..
let it unfold, let it be read,
a cry so sad
turned to the fierce call
of the dead.
They do not die,
They are dead…
By what voice spake the undead?
Angst churned the worms,
fear rattled the bones,
yet up it came…
the past that refused to die within,
raked up the cloud
and the dust.
Unsettled the living,
Unearthed the leveled
Violated the peace
Raised a furore,
A bedlam so loud
Nothing was heard,
Only a cloud
Of dust and din
Clattered without.
Battle cries rose,
Swords clanged
Everything revenged,
Nothing avenged,
No honour was saved
No glory won….
When the cloud settled,
Both sides had lost.


Vishal Arora said...

thats a great poem..very insightful :)

Sooraj said...

I wonder what state of mind you were when you wrote this ? :) I am not saying this as a bad thing, but still I have a tough time having a good time with this.

Myth said...

thnx vishal n sooraj...i value each input im getting here :)

Maverick said...
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Maverick said...

this poem is simply deadly...thats all i can say.... so much of depth in this poem

Myth said...

thnx maverick! i value ur comments, criticism and appreciation :)

Anonymous said...

You mean only war in the flesh.yea i agree it is deadly lost battle.

But soul is living forever. soul is eternal. No worms or water can destroy the eternal soul.It will go to the creator and demand what it deserves .....

Myth said...

the Bhagvad Geeta also states the same.
All religions condemn war but surprisingly, some battles no matter how dreadful the outcome need be fought. The Geeta itself is set at the brink of a major battle of kinsmen and expected huge losses and Arjuna not ready to go further.

This poem is different because it doesnt talk of gains like a man, even religion is macho. It is the perspective of a woman. It does not bemoan loss of values or culture or good or evil, it bemoans only loss of life which a woman endures so much to create.